Most Important Vocabulary || 2023


                                     Most Important Vocabulary


  1. Abeyance :  suspended action
  2. Abet :   help/encourage somebody
  3. Abysmal :  bottomless, extreme
  4. Acarpous :  effete, no longer fertile
  5. Accentuate :  give more force or attention to
  6. Affinity :  close connection, relationship
  7. Affable :  polite and friendly
  8. Agog  :  eager/excited
  9. Adulteration :  making unpure
  10. Adhere :  remain faithful, stick fast to
  11. Amplify :  make large or fuller, increase the strength
  12. Apostate :  one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions
  13. Apotheosis  :  deification, glorification to godliness
  14. Arabesque  :  whimsical
  15. Arbitrate  :  decide by arbitration
  16. Astute  :  clever; quick at seeing to get an advantage
  17. Atonement :  repayment; death of Jesus
  18. Attenuate :  make thin. weaken, enervate
  19. Attune :  bring into harmony
  20. Avid :  eager, greedy
  21. Balk :  obstacle; purposely to get on the way of
  22. Balloon  :  swell out like balloon
  23. Balm :  sweet-smelling oil; consolation
  24. Banal  :  uninteresting
  25. Band :  flat
  26. Baneful :  causing harm or ruin, pernicious
  27. Beatify :  to bless, make happy
  28. Bewilder : puzzle, confuse
  29. Biased :  rejudice
  30. Bigot :  stubborn, narrow-minded person
  31. Bilge :  bulge, the protuberance of a cask
  32. Blandishment :  flattery, coaxing
  33. Blandness :  polite manner, comforting, uninteresting
  34. Brisk :  active, lively
  35. Brisket :  breast of an animal
  36. Brittle :  easily broken
  37. Broach :  bring up, announce, begin to talk about
  38. Brook  :  to tolerate, endure
  39. Buoyant :  able to float; light-hearted
  40. Burgeon :   grow forth, send out buds
  41. Burnish :  to polish, rub to a shine
  42. Bust :  un out of money
  43. Calf  :  young of the domestic cow
  44. Calipers  :  metal supports attached to the legs, measuring instrument
  45. Calumniate  :  to slander, present false accusal
  46. Calumny  :  slander, aspersion
  47. Candid  :  frank straight-forward
  48. Cantankerous  :  bad-tempered/quarrelsome
  49. Cantin  :  sincere talk/jargon
  50. anvass  :  discuss thoroughly; sort of touting
  51. Cleanse  :  make pure, thoroughly clean
  52. Clientele  :  customers 200. Clinch - come to grips/settle conclusively
  53. Cling  :  to resist separation
  54. Clot  :   half-solid lump formed from liquid
  55. Cloture  :  closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting
  56. Coalescing  :  coming together and uniting into one substance
  57. Coax  :  get somebody to do something by kindness
  58. Coda  :  passage that completes a piece of music
  59. Coddle  :  treat with care and tenderness
  60. Coerce  :  compel to force to make obedient
  61. Coeval  :  of the same period, coexisting
  62. Cogent :  strong convincing
  63. Cogitate :   think deeply, mediate
  64. Cognition :  knowing, awareness (emotionless)
  65. Cognizant  :  being fully aware of
  66. Coherent  :  sticking together
  67. Colander :  bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water
  68. Collaborate :  work in partnership
  69. Curriculum :  course of study
  70. Cursory  :  quick, hurried
  71. Curtail :  make shorter then was planned
  72. Cynic :  person who see no good in anything
  73. Covert :  disguised
  74. Covetous  :  eagerly desirous
  75. Cower :  crouch; shrink back
  76. Coy :  shy/modest (esp of a girl)
  77. Cras :  very great (es. stupidity)
  78. Cravat :   piece of linen worn as a necktie
  79. Craven  :  cowardly
  80. Cynic :   person who see no good in anything
  81. Dart  :  quick movement; missile in darts
  82. Daunt :   intimidate, make fearful
  83. Dawdler  :  person who is slow; waste of time
  84. Dearth  :  shortage
  85. Debacle :   a breakup, overthrow, sudden disaster
  86. Decorous  :  polite, decent
  87. Disconcert  :  upset the self-possession of
  88. Discountenance  :  refuse to approve of
  89. Discourse  :  speech, lecture,
  90. Discredit :   refuse to believe
  91. Discreet  :  careful/prudent
  92. Discrete  :  individually distinct
  93. Disdain  :  look on with contempt
  94. Disencumber  :  free from encumbrance
  95. Endearing  :  making dear or liked
  96. Endemic  :  epidemic
  97. Endorse :  write one's name on the back of
  98. Enduring :   lasting
  99.  Enervate  :  weaken, deprive of strength, attenuate
  100. Engender :   cause, produce, give rise to
  101. Engrave :  impress deeply
  102. Extinct  :  no longer active
  103. Extinguish  :  end the existence of/wipe or put out
  104. Extirpate  :  to destroy, exterminate, cut out, exscind
  105. Extol  :  praise highly
  106. Extort  :  obtain by threats, violence
  107. Extralegal  :  outside the law
  108. Extricable  :  that can be freed
  109. Extrovert  :  cheerful person
  110. Facilitate  :  make easy (e.g.. a process of smth)
  111. Fallacious  :  based on error
  112. Fallacy :  false or mistaken belief
  113. Falter :  waver/move in an uncertain manner
  114. Fatuous :  without sense, foolish self-satisfaction
  115.  Faucet :   device for controlling the outflow of a liquid
  116.  Fawn :  young deer, try to win somebody's favor
  117. Feckless :  lacking purpose or vitality; ineffective; careless
  118. Fecund  :  fertile
  119. Feint :  pretend
  120. Ferret  :  discover by searching; search
  121.  Fertile :  producing much, full of ideas
  122. Fertilize :  make fertile or productive
  123. Fervid  :  showing earnest feeling
  124. Foster :  nurture, care for
  125. Fracas  :  noisy quarrel
  126. Fragile :  easily injured, broken or destroyed
  127. Fragrant :  sweet-smelling
  128.  Franchise  :  special right given by authority
  129. Frantic :  wildly excited with joy, pain, anxiety
  130.  Frenetic :  frantic, frenzied
  131. Fret  :  worry; irritation; wear away
  132. Gainsay :  to deny, declare false, to oppose
  133. Gambol :  quick, playful jumping
  134. Garble  :   make unfair selection from facts
  135. Garment  :  article of clothing
  136. Garner  :  to gather and save; to store up
  137. Garrulity :   talkativeness
  138. Garrulous  :  too talkative
  139. Gaucherie  :  socially awkward, tactless behavior
  140. Germane  :  relevant; pertinent to
  141. Gist :  the point, general sense
  142. Glean :   gather facts in small quantities
  143. Hack  :  cut roughly; hired horse
  144. Halcyon :  calm and peaceful
  145.  Hallow :  to make holy; consecrate
  146. Hamper :  basket with a lid, prevent free movement or activity
  147. Hapless :  unlucky, unfortunate
  148. Harangue  :  a long, passionate speech
  149. Harbinger  :  something or somebody that foretells the coming
  150. Harrow  :  to distress, create stress or torment
  151. Harsh  :  rough, cruel, stern
  152. Haughty :  farrogant; conceited
  153. Haven :  harbor, safety place
  154. Heed  :  attention/give notice to
  155. Heinous  :  odious (of crime)
  156. Heresy  :  belief contrary to what is generally accepted
  157. Hermetic  :  sealed by fusion
  158. Heterogeneous :  made up of different kinds
  159. Iconoclast :   person who attacks popular beliefs
  160. Iconoclastic  :  attacking cherished beliefs
  161. Idiosyncrasy  :   personal mannerism
  162.  Idolatrous :   worshipping idols \
  163. Incursion  :  a raid, a sudden attack
  164. Indefatigability  :  not easily exhaustible; tirelessness
  165.  Indelible  :   that cannot be rubbed out
  166. Indelicate :   immodest; lacking in refinement
  167. Indigence  :  poverty
  168. Indigenous :  native
  169. Irate  : angry
  170. Ire  :  anger
  171. Irksome :  tiresome
  172.  Irrelevant :   not relevant, not connected
  173. Jabber  :  talk excitedly; utter rapidly
  174. Jeopardize :  put in danger
  175. Jibe  : gibe, make fun of
  176. Jocular :  meant as a joke
  177.  Judicious :  sound in judgment; wise
  178. Knit  :  draw together, unite firmly
  179. Lag :  go too slow
  180. Lament :  show, feel great sorrow
  181. Lassitude :  weariness, tiredness
  182. Latent :  present but not yet active, developed or visible
  183. Laudatory  :  expressing or giving praise
  184.  Lavish :  giving or producing freely, liberally or generously
  185. Leakage  :  the process of leaking
  186. Legacy  :  something handed down from ancestors
  187.  Levee :  formal reception/embankment
  188. Levity :  lack of seriousness
  189. Libel :  statement that damages reputation
  190. Lull  :  become quiet or less active
  191.  Lumber :   move in a clumsy/noisy way
  192. Luminary  :  star, light-giving body
  193. Lurk  :  be out of view ready to attack
  194. Lustrous :   being bright, polished
  195. Maladroit :   tactless, clumsy
  196.  Malapropism  :   misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
  197. Malevolence  :  wishing to do evil
  198. Malign  :   injurious, speak ill of somebody, tell lie
  199. Malinger   :  to fake illness or injury, in order to shirk a duty
  200. Malleable :   yielding; easily shaped; moldable; adapting
  201. Manacle  :  chains for the hands or feet
  202. Martial  :  brave, of associated with war
  203. Massacre :  cruel killing of a large number of people
  204. Matriculation :  be admitted, enter a university as a student
  205.  Mature  :  come to full development, to a state ready for use
  206. Mortuary  :  place where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial
  207. Muffler  :   cloth worn round the neck/silencer
  208. Multifarious  :  varied, motley, greatly diversified
  209. Mundane  :  worldly as opposed to spiritual; commonplace, everyday
  210.  Myriad :   very great number
  211. Nascent  :   coming into existence, emerging
  212.  Nebulous  :  cloud-like; hazy; vague; indistinct
  213. Negligent :  taking too little care
  214. Neophyte  :  person who has been converted to a belief
  215. Nexus  :  a connection, tie, or link
  216. Nibble  :   show some inclination to accept (an offer)
  217. Nice :   precise, sensitive to subtleness
  218. Noisome :  offensive, disgusting (smell)
  219. Nonchalant :   not having interest
  220. Nonplused :   greatly surprised
  221. Nostrum  :  a quack remedy, an u
  222. Nullify  :  make void and null
  223. Numb  :   without ability to feel or move
  224. Numbness :   without ability to move a finger O
  225. Obsequious  :   too eager to obey or serve
  226. Obsolete  :   no longer used
  227. Obstreperous :   noisy, loud
  228. Obtain :   to be established, accepted, or customary
  229. Ossify  :  to turn to bone; to settle rigidly into an idea
  230. Ostensible  :  seeming, appearing as such, professed
  231. Ostentation  :   display to obtain admiration or envy
  232. Ostentatious  :   fond of showing ostentation
  233. Ostracism  :   shut out from society, refuse to meet, talk
  234. Ostrich  :   fast-running bird unable to fly
  235. Outset  :  start
  236. . Palpability  :  can be felt, touched, understood
  237. Palpitate  :   tremble, beat rapidly and irregularly
  238. Pan  :  flat/zoom
  239. Panegyric  :   formal praise, eulogy
  240. Paradigm  :  a model, example, or pattern
  241. Parenthesis  :   sentence within another one, something separated
  242. Pariah  :  an outcast, a rejected and despised person
  243. Petrify  :   to make hard, rocklike
  244. Petrous  :   like a rock, hard, stony
  245. Petulant  :  unreasonably impatient
  246.  Philistine   :   a smug ignorant person; one who lacks knowledge
  247. Phlegmatic :  calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional
  248. Picaresque  :   involving clever rogues or adventurers
  249. Pied  :  of mixed colors
  250. Purvey  :  provide, supply
  251.  Pusillanimous  :   cowardly, craven
  252. Putrefaction  :   becoming rotten
  253. Pyre  :  large pile of wood for burning
  254. Prudish  :   easily shocked, excessively modest
  255.  Prune  :  dried plum, silly person
  256. Pry  :  get smth; inquire too curiously
  257. Pucker  :  wrinkle
  258. Quack  :  person dishonestly claiming to smth
  259.  Quaff :   drink deeply
  260. Quail - lose courage, turn frightened
  261. Qualm :  feeling of doubt, temporary feeling of sickness
  262. Quandary  :  state of doubt or perplexity
  263. Quell  :  suppress, subdue
  264. Quibble  :   try to avoid by sophistication
  265. Quiescence  :  state of being passive/motionless
  266. Quiescent  :  at rest, dormant, torpid
  267. Quirk  : habit or action peculiar to somebody or smth
  268. Quixotic  :   generous, unselfish 991. Quotidian - banal; everyday R
  269. Rancorous  :   feeling bitterness, spitefulness
  270. Rant  :   use extravagant language
  271. Rapacious  :   greedy (especially for money)
  272. Rarefy :   to make thin, to make less dense,
  273. Reactionary   :  opposing progress
  274. Rebuff :   snub
  275. Recalcitrant  :   disobedient
  276. Recant  :  take back as being false; give up
  277. Recast  :   cast or fashion anew
  278. Recidivism  :  relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior
  279. Reciprocity  :  granting of privileges in return for similar
  280.  Recital  :  performance of music
  281. Recluse  :  person who lives alone and avoids people
  282. Reluctant  :  unwilling or disinclined
  283.  Remonstrate  :   to protest, object
  284. Render   :   deliver, provide, represent
  285. Renovate  :   restore something to better condition
  286. Renowned  :   celebrated, famous
  287. Rent  :  regular payment for the use of smth
  288. Rift  :  split, crack, dissension
  289. Rivet   :  fix, take up, secure; metal pin
  290. Roll call  :  calling of names
  291. Rope  :   thick strong cord made by twisting
  292. Rotund  :  rich and deep; plump and round
  293. Rubric  :  heading, title, or category
  294. Ruffian  :  violent, cruel man
  295.  Rumple  :  make rough
  296. Salacious :  obscene
  297. Salient  :  prominent, protruding, conspicuous, highly relevant
  298. Salubrious  :  healthful
  299. Salutary  :  remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
  300. Sanctimony   :   Self-righteousness, hypocritical, with false piety
  301. . Sidestep  :  step to one side
  302. Simper  :   (give a) silly/self-conscious smile
  303.  Sinuous :  winding, undulating, serpentine
  304.  Skiff :   small boat
  305. Skit  :  short piece of humorous writing
  306. Slack  :  sluggish; dull; not tight
  307. Slake  :   to assuage, to satisfy, allay
  308. Slate  :   king of blue-grey stone; propose; criticize
  309. Sluggard  :  lazy, slow-moving person
  310. Slur    :  join sounds/words (indistinct)
  311. Tractable  :   Easy to deal
  312. Transient  :  Fleeting  
  313. Tranquil   :   Quite and peace
  314. Trepidation  :  Fear
  315. Urbane :  Wise
  316. Vocus   :  stupid
  317. Volatile  :  changing easily, suddenly
  318. Vow   :  a formal and serious promise
  319. Wray  :   Cautions

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